Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Supposed To Be A Live Journal Entry

I'm happy today because:

1. I woke up feeling light with a smile on my face
2. Jackpot's first text message made me smile even more
3. I ate a lousy breakfast and yet i didn't complain at all.
4. I was singing while taking a bath
5. I'm not late for 'morning-with-penguin-and-ivy' session today.
6. My officemates are harassing me with words like: "uy! girl na girl" etc. but I didn't sue them
7. I got a letter from jackpot
8. and a shiny red gummy hearts
9. I combed my hair at last!
10. My friendster bulletin was taken over by invitations that I consider spam and it doesn't irritates me at all
11. If not for the smoking detector, I should be lighting a candle for my oil burner to increase a good mood. (I'm at the office, by the way)
12. Any jokes can make me laugh.
13. I'm using vanilla body spray that irritates everyone around me and I don't even care.
14. I met jackpot downstairs
15. Yung kiss, ang cute..
16. I am now spending almost 8 hours staring blankly at my computer screen while my mind wanders to never never land
17. It was raining, yey!
18. The stickers I bought from Kuya Dante every time I feel blue were now in good use.

Oh yeah, everything's perfect because it's our 2nd monthsary


Anonymous said...

and with one drunk fleeting moment, she just broke up with me today! great!

Anonymous said...

and with one drunk fleeting moment, she just broke up with me today! great!

Anonymous said...

and with one drunk fleeting moment, she just broke up with me today! great!