Saturday, January 23, 2010


Last night, I watched “Great Expectations” with Germaine. It’s a “not feel good” movie. It’s more of “I-wish-it-turns-out-like-this” sort of film. I definitely brought it to my sleep.

Anyway, I guess I’m not in the mood for writing. My thoughts are running unsystematically so I’ll note down everything that comes out of my mind.

So what’s new?

First, I bought cosmopolitan diary as a replacement for the laptop. (very pathetic)
Second, I’m taking considerations for the job options.
Third, I got to see my mom and siblings and it really made my day.
Fourth, I was trying to make a travel and food blog which is separate to this blog.
Fifth, I have several attempts of cleaning the house.
Sixth, I’m having trouble managing tumblr.
Seventh, unlike the others, facebook bores me.
Eight, It made me wonder why it’s cold when it’s already summer.
Ninth, I need to arrange my finances wisely like Kepi and my brother Jay.
Tenth, I can’t help myself consuming a lot of paper towels.
Eleventh, “Desperate Housewives” is good except to the part where Teri Hatcher insulted the Filipino doctors.
Twelfth, I can’t seem to finish reading Stephenie Meyer’s “New Moon”.
Thirteenth, I was looking for a healthier recipe.
Fourteenth, Every year we buy water heater.
Fifteenth, getting job requirements are time consuming and costly.
Sixteenth, Full House (Korean version) gives me eyestrain.

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