Monday, January 11, 2010

The Traveler

Ten years ago I was wondering what I would become by 2010. There’s this fancy thought that I would become a manager in a prestigious company, a job which could support me in paying my bills. I have some thinking that I’ll be driving the same car because god, I do love my car. I have this illusion living in a nice classy condo with a partner who is a doctor or a lawyer probably. It would be lovely to think that I have a savings account and that I could really save some money, you know. I envision myself that I already went to different places like Disneyland and Nickelodeon Studio in Florida. I was hoping that by that time, I am providing bountifully with my mother and three siblings. I have a good dream you see, like everyone else, I am so hungry with each figment of imagination that I try to at least make it as doable as possible. I don’t want it to be something you can’t grasp at, like a traveler in a desert hallucinating for some water. I am a traveler who prays for an oasis and not for a drop of rain.

Now is the tenth year of that delusion and economy and my laziness haven’t changed. Everybody knows that you don’t have to rely on dreams alone. The majestic mirage on the desert hopefully comes to an end because the traveler didn’t move much. The traveler by this year was inching her way to death. Funny, if you could only see me shaking my head at those wasted time and opportunities. This year, I intend to help the traveler reach her destiny. She might take a different route and might create a different outcome but I won’t let her die. I believe in salvation and I believe in a concept of not giving up. She may not see the oasis by the end of this year but at least she had an initiative to move again to find water somewhere in any form, to humbly accept a jar of water to some travelers she finds on her ways, enough water to make her survive, to give her strength to find her back to the oasis and fill all her jar to support her to another voyage.

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